Pastor Blog

How Will You Be Found?????????????

More times than not, we spend much of our time on things here that will one day fade away (Jobs, money, houses, etc.)  If I were a doctor and told you were going to die and then asked the question, “Where are you going to spend eternity”, what would your answer be?  If you have to ponder, or have reservation then I am speaking to you sir or mam!  Because of the love of Jesus Christ, I present to you truth so that you can get to your final destination.  You see, heaven is for a prepared people, a people that have resisted the ways of the world and turned to the ways declared from Genesis to Revelation (The Bible). Many today continue doing things of the past, physical and spiritual adultery, attending parties that solicit drinking and sex outside of marriage.  Attending events that children could not dare look at.  The scripture reminds us that Almighty God is watching, listening, and making “accurate notes”.  You will give an account.  Just because you have a title on the front of your name like preacher, rev, bishop, or perhaps you feel secure because you pay tithes, or have attended the church.  The list could continue, I will leave that to you to fill in, because you are aware of what you are doing that is in opposition to the scriptures!  Your name on some church role is worthless if your name has not been written in the Lambs Book of Life (Rev 21:27).  Please, please be sure of where you are going to spend eternity.  I say these things because I love and care for you.  Almighty God loves you so much that He gave His best to make a way for you (John 3:16). He also wrote you a love letter to describe His love for you (Romans 8:31-39).  Please don’t be like the folks in Matthew 7:21-23.  These were people that sounded godly. They did godly miracles, went through the routine of church. They were “Not Authorized to speak on behalf of Jesus Christ”.  Are you?  Finally, Hebrews 9:27 declares that we are appointed once to die.  You have one shot at making Heaven your home for eternity, make it count.

Until next time, Servant of the Most High God, Jesus the Christ!  Remember, Jesus Christ loves you and so do we!  You are worth it, you can make it, you are going to make it!!!!

Milton and Trixie

What If Jesus Had Not Risen?
April 13, 2013
It’s nearly inconceivable to imagine a world in which Jesus had not risen from the dead, for we see the out-workings of his resurrection everywhere—in cemeteries, on calendars around the world, on the front page of every newspaper, in hospitals and schools founded around the world, and in the lives of transformed believers down through the centuries.  And yet the Apostle Paul considers the very possibility of no resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15, and he comes up with five implications (had Jesus not died and rose again in our/your place).
1. Preaching would be pointless. Preachers would be left with no message.
2. Faith would be futile. The thief on the cross would have been right after all: Jesus could not have saved himself or anyone else.
3. We would be yet in our sins. They would remain on our record and in our very nature.
4. The dead are damned, having perished.
5. We are to be pitied and we might as well despair. It would all be  hopeless.
But Jesus did not leave mankind without HOPE. For He died and three days later “He Got Up”, Yes- Jesus the Christ has Risen with all power (Death, Hell, and the Grave).  Because of this, those that have been born again have inevitable Hope in and through Jesus Christ. Question that you must answer, do you know Jesus as Lord and Savior?  Do you have Jesus Christ as your HOPE and your anchor? Friend, I’ll tell you this, “lasting” peace and hope can only be found Jesus Christ!
There is no charge, His Salvation is Free, all that is required is that you call on Jesus Christ and ask Him to forgive you of your sins. Your name on a church role, your position in your church, your money, or your status in life is not good enough as far as Almighty God is concerned. Invite Jesus into your life, to lead and guide you.

Numbers 6:24 The LORD bless you, and keep you 25 The LORD make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you 26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.  Evangelist Sanders


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